Todd Beach Bike A Rama

In the year 2000 Johnny Owens at Memorial Gym in Macon, GA asked Todd and James Taylor to donate bicycles to families in need. They donated one bike each to go to a deserving a family for Christmas. The following year they donated two bikes each. After that It became for them a competitive effort to see who could donate the most bikes. This continued this effort until 2006 when they decided that they would expand the effort and reach more families. But unfortunately Todd died that year. James Taylor decided that he would continue to honor Todd’s dream by continuing
the effort. He talked with Todd’s mother, Rose Beach, his sister Gina Beach, and his pastor Rev. Ronald Toney to determine the best way to continue this tradition in memory of Todd. It was agreed that the effort and decided to name the event theWilliam Todd Beach Bike Arama.
Since that time over one hundred bikes have been given to needy families each year at Christmas, with 185 bikes given in 2020. The need becomes greater with every passing year. The LORD has answered the call through the loving effort of the Beach family, our church family, the gracious leadership Rev. Ronald Toney, and the generous response of the Macon community.