Ingram/Pye Elementary School

Working To Make A Difference

When It All Began

In the mid-90’s Pastor Toney and Pastor Lockett, with Lizzie Chapel’s blessing, approached the administration of Eugenia Hamilton Elementary School to inform the administration that the church has agreed to adopt the school. It began with weekly visits by the pastors to designated classes, where they read and engaged the students for one hour. This led to financial donations for student trips, transporting student on outings, speaking at graduations and donating computers to well deserving students. 

Committed To the Cause

There has been tremendous support from our men’s ministry, lead by Rev. L.M. Bell and Michael Mims, who have gone weekly, along with others, to monitor halls, assist teachers and connect with and encourage students. And in 2012 Dr. Julian Earls began a Rites of Passage program for 5th grade boys. The following is a description of the program.

From Boys to Men

The transition from childhood to young adulthood can be quite a challenging journey for young boys. To help ensure successful navigation of this exciting yet sometimes difficult journey, the Education Ministry of Lizzie Chapel Baptist Church implemented the Rites of Passage Program at Ingram/Pye Elementary School. Established over 7 years ago, under the direction of Dr. Julian Earls, it’s curriculum is designed to specifically address the needs of the 5th grade boys as they transition from boys to men.

 Training Young Men for   Future Success

One Friday out of the month lectures and interactive discussions are utilized to address various topics including personal hygiene and grooming, appropriate dress, etiquette and health maintenance. Topics related to realistic career choices and development, the keys to academic success, and the importance of being responsible are also stressed. Throughout the lecture series, the goal is for these young men to fully understand that each is a very special child of loving God, who has a unique plan for success for each of them.